In this age when virtually all kinds of lighting fixtures are available to everyone, our supply solutions can be trusted to deliver the correct lighting systems to the project while keeping in consideration the variables of challenging budgets at the same time. We believe in lighting as a passion to us and therefore try our level best to portray this passion on the canvas of your project.
ECC International prides itself on our after sales service, we don’t just supply we help with technical support during installation and handover. We don’t believe in delivering and walking away.

A. Supply of Light fixtures

As the lighting industry becomes more digitized, it has become much more complex. There are thousands of manufacturers available making budget and design decisions best left to lighting professionals. When considering the complexity of LED lighting and modern control systems, the task of evaluating systems can get beyond many contractors.
At ECC International we want to make the process of buying lighting easier while saving you money.

B. Supply of Lighting control systems

Today’s lighting technology can do much more than simply provide illumination. Buildings can account for 40% of the energy consumption and around 30% of that is related to lighting.
Introducing lighting controls can reduce the energy consumption by as much as 55%, as well as improve the ambiance of the environment through tailored lighting control solutions.

C. Installation & Maintenance

Lighting maintenance is an important but often ignored part of the upkeep of any facility. Regular and planned maintenance of your existing lighting enhances safety and security, maintains a brigher more pleasant atmosphere and ensures your system is running at optimum efficiency therefore lowering your operating costs.